Laser hair removal is the safest way to remove hair these days because initially, men and women both used to bleach, wax and threads to remove unwanted hairs from their body. Over a period of time, it was noted by using chemical bleaching there is a lot of chemical damage to the skin leading to premature ageing, pigmentation and skin cancers.
Bleaching is not advised these days on the skin because of the risk factors mentioned above. Coming on to the waxing and threading part, waxing and threading induces micro-trauma to the hair follicles and the skin leading to a condition that is called open pores and textural damage of the skin. It has also been seen that due to this micro-trauma it leads to loosening of the skin because of the constant pulling and stretching there is loosening of the skin and it is advised that such things should not be used.
Laser hair removal only targets the hair follicles (also called as the roots of the hair) it does not target any other structure apart from the hair follicles, as it is very specific that is the reason laser hair reduction is the safest way to remove unwanted body hair.

Benefits of Laser Hair Reduction:
The ultimate benefit is that laser hair reduction is the permanent way to reduce unwanted body hairs and one looks neat and clean without the unwanted area hair like bikini and underarms. A lot of young men and women in Indian weather condition sweat a lot which leads to soiling of their cloths and bad odor from their bodies.
If the hairs are clean from these areas, there is a decreasing tendency of sweating and odor issues which are associated with increase hair leading to bacterial accumulation in the moist conditions leading to bad smell and odor problems in a lot of young men and women.
On an average basis 6 sessions are advised by Dr Monisha Kapoor but patients with hormonal imbalance may need more with maintenance and it is advisable that the patients under of hormonal imbalance undergoes 6 months of therapy before looking for laser hair reduction.
The skin has to be moisturized before going in for laser hair removal and it has to be shaved rather than waxed or threaded. Do not use any topical products that cause photosensitivity in the treatment areas for three days before treatment.
One of the most common questions we often get asked at Dr Monisha Kapoor Aesthetics is: Does hair grow back after laser hair removal? The answer is not entirely a simple one. Yes, the hair grows back for the first 15 days before falling off from the surface of the skin. The success rate depends on any number of factors, and no two people can expect the same results.
There is no good price for laser hair removal, it is very important to select the clinic where the doctor’s personal supervision is there because the treatment is successful only if a doctor supervises each session itself because the energies are set depending upon the quality of hair, texture and the color of the hair. The price is not that important, every clinic’s price is different, how you choose a clinic for laser hair reduction is where the doctor’s personal involvement in selecting the energy is there.